I made myself a header image. I think it's rather spiffing. Which do think is better? The one I'm using or the "crap I found in my room floating around my head" one?
(Melissa; Hurry up and come up north so I can take some photos of someone other than myself!)
I like the one you are currently using! =D
Eeeeexcellent. Oh the ways I find to waste time. They're pretty impressive, if I do say so myself.
How're you dooooing? I haven't heard from you in a wee while.
I really like it! Its awesome!
Not too bad, I guess. I have to resit an exam, you know the day I had the epic migraine on my last exam, they are letting me sit a special exam for it... in feb! LOL
Flat drama has reached an all time high. Joy and rapture.
Now in dismay that I have 7 more years left of drama.
Umm. Holy shit. You're still going to be studying in seven years?
Wow. Dedication man.
Yeah I heard about the re-sit through the madness of my facebook stalking skillz. February is nice though! Lots of time to blob out and relax before hitting the stress train again.
What are the dramazors going on about now? I would've thought with toaster girl gone you'd get a decent reprieve.
Yea, prob 2 years left of this degree if I get honours. Then 5 years vet sci... shoot me now! =S
Yea, kinda wish it coulda been sooner, I dont want it looming in my mind! lol
Haha, toaster girl. Nah, there is ALWAYS drama in our flat. I am so done with it. As much as I love one of my flat mates I am actually keen to just go and flat with randoms again!
Hows life for you? Keen for uni next year?
Cant wait to see you when I come up! =D
Well I'm glad at least one of my perpetual student friends isn't an arts major. It makes for a nice level of diversity in conversation =P
Life is going okay. I'm waiting on an interview with the general manager for this photography company (portraits and the like?) It seems decent and they'll let me work full time so hopefully?
You'll be up sooooooooooooooon! I'm super excited! LET ME USE CAPSLOCK AND EXCLAMATION POINTS TO EXPRESS THIS!!!
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