Friday, December 3, 2010

Cool things from my family tree

Here be my dad and I. You can't tell here, but I'm like a pasty, blonde, female version of him. It gets a bit creepy sometimes.

Here is Nana Rosa (Dad's mum) and Grandad Harold

Alternatively here is Nana Rosa. Nana Rosa grew up in Fiji but her mother was Samoan.

This is Nana Rosa's mum; Fono A'pe. I believe it's from her side that we have family land. Unfortunately it went to her brothers oldest son instead to our line of the family. Phooey.

Fono A'pe Married William Henry Wilder Jnr, who was the son of William Henry Wilder Snr and Sarah Wilder (nee May) who was this lovely lady. I wish I'd inherited those cheekbones. Man.

Anywho. The cool part is that Sarah Wilder (nee May) was the daughter of Martin May and Rakavosa. Martin May was a German born in the 1840's who left Germany to fight in the American Civil War. After that he emigrated to Fiji (specifically the Island of Ra) and told the Chieftain that he wished to marry a local woman. The Chieften (AKA my great great great great grandfather) was so honoured that this foreign white man had asked instead of simply taking a wife that he offered up his daughter Rakavosa.

Rakavosa was a Fijian princess and partook of the tradition of cannibalism - apparently a custom reserved only for royalty - in her youth.

So there you have it kids. I'm descended from a cannibalistic Fijian princess.


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