Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dear intarwebz

My day; in picture form.

"Nnngrd. Morning? No. Shut up alarms. Sleeeeep time"

"Oh yeah, I have work today. Hrrmpht."
*Realises I slept in multiple layers of clothing to combat the cold. Including my jeans. Decides not to get re-dressed today*

"Oh sweet blessed nectar of life/tea!"

*Sewing sewing sewing. Lots of hand stitching to occupy my morning*


"Hey, my head hurts a bit"

"Oh crap. Migraine's coming and I didn't take my magical pills of preventativeness"



Sorry this wasn't more interesting. I had this whole plan for how I was going to make silly faces and do karate with my various hammers and awls and then dance around wrapped in fabric like a superhero for the general amusement of all. But because yesterday I skived off a lot of work to watch various sci-fi shows the world decided that today; when I actually had honest motivation to work, that it would shout: IT SHALL NOT BE SO. I SMITE-ETH THEE IN THE NAME OF PROCRASTINATION. GO EAT SOME CANDY, FATTY.

As it was spoken, so shall I obey. *om nom nom*

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